Personal Branding Workshop
6:00 PM18:00

Personal Branding Workshop

In diesem Workshop geht es um unsere persönliche Marke. Wir alle haben einen „Personal Brand“. Die Kunst liegt darin, unsere Einzigartigkeit zu artikulieren und uns gleichzeitig unserem jeweiligen Kontext angemessen zu präsentieren. Dieser Workshop ist geeignet für diejenigen die z.B. ihr persönliches wie berufliches Profil schärfen, nach interessanten neuen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten umschauen oder sich als Experten positionieren möchten. 

Wenn wir unsere Stärken betonen und authentisch kommunizieren können was uns so einzigartig macht, dann unterstützt uns unsere persönliche Marke in der Erreichung unserer Lebensziele.

Zusätzlich zum Workshop bieten wir beim Erwerb des entsprechenden Tickets eine einstündige, persönliche Beratung an. 

Der Workshop wird im Büro Carrascal /Dindin Communication Design in Frankfurt am Main gehalten.

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How to Build your Personal Brand
6:00 PM18:00

How to Build your Personal Brand

Our workshop is all about building your personal brand. If you’re an individual building your profile and audience, an entrepreneur who wants to be seen as an expert in your field or an employee looking to attract interesting job opportunities, this workshop is for you.

We all have a personal brand. The art is to be true to ourselves and understand what makes us special, and then engaging with the world so it supports our life goals. 

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How to Build your Brand
6:00 PM18:00

How to Build your Brand

Our workshop is for businesses, startups and individuals who want to build their unique brand. Whether you already have a business off the ground, or if you're thinking about launching your idea soon, this workshop will give you the tools to build your brand with confidence. If you agree that before taking action, you need a plan that gives you clear direction, then we're on the same page. 

Having clarity about where you want to go and what you want to achieve will allow you to use your time, money and energy wisely. If you know that you've thought everything through, it will give you confidence that you are investing your efforts in the right direction.

At the end of this workshop you will have clarity about your true purpose, where you want to take your business, and how to align your brand with your goals.

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How to Build your Personal Brand
6:00 PM18:00

How to Build your Personal Brand

Our new workshop is all about building your personal brand and communicating it to the world. Whether you’re a creative building your profile and audience, a business owner looking to position yourself as an expert in your field or an employee looking to attract interesting job opportunities, this workshop is for you.

We all have a personal brand, whether you are aware of it or not. It is about knowing who you are and where your strengths lie, what you want to achieve, how you show up and what impression you make, and how you engage with the world. So it’s best to be clear about it and align it with your life, career and business goals so it supports and enhances all of them.


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How to Style your Personal Brand
6:30 PM18:30

How to Style your Personal Brand

Come and join us for our workshop on how to style your personal brand! 

Your first impression is created by how you show up, look and style yourself. So what does this mean for your personal brand? You can express yourself in many different ways, and by approaching this strategically, you can influence how people perceive you. 

Whether you’d simply like to reevaluate and update your style, invest in a new career, or consider reinventing yourself for a new chapter in your life, this event will help you have a better understanding of how you present yourself. It will enable you to achieve your personal and professional goals whist expressing your personality with joy, confidence and self-awareness.

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